Accent on voicemail

Pronunciation for the phone

1. You’ve reached Karina at CTT technical support>. I’m not able to take your call now >. Please, leave a message> and I’ll call you back> as soon as possible>.

2. You’ve reached Karina at CTT technical support>. I’m not able to answer the phone now.>. Please, leave a message>, and I’ll return your call>as soon as possible>.

3. You’ve reached Karina at CTT technical support>. I’m either away from my desk or on another line>. Please, leave a message >, and I’ll return your call> as soon as I’m able to>.

Accent and Pronunciation Tips

Practice improving accent and pronunciation.

A) Underline the important words, and practice using higher intonation, or volume, when you say these words. Important words, usually have higher intonation.

B) The focus word is the most important words in a phrase or sentence. It is the last or the second to last content word in a phrase or sentence. Double underline the focus word, and practice saying that a little more loudly than the other words.

C) Intonation falls at the end of a phrase or sentence. Write an arrow at the end of phrase or sentence as reminder that the intonation falls at that point.