Work Business Network

Sometimes the words are not easy to find when you communicate in a language that is not your first language. A business consultant asks, “What can I say to people when I’m talking about my company or business? What can I say when people ask me about my company or business? How can I prepare for this?” Practice speaking for you work business network.

Here’s how to practice talking about your work, your business, or your company.

1. Introduce yourself. Say what company you work for, what your company does, and what your title or position is.

2. Tell what you do for your company.

3. Give an example of a service or product you or your company provides.

4. Highlight a specific quality or characteristic of a service or product you or your company provides.

5. Give two examples of how people have benefited from your service or product.

6. Talk about what makes you or your company successful.